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Publicat/c/ión Design
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Catalogue / Livre de prix / Catálogo de Precios

The design takes it's cue from m-o-t-o's high-value product and emphasizes clear pricing and product information. This modular book can easily me modified throughout the season. Available colours are all cross-referenced to maximize sales and icons classify garments into "fits" which are consistent with other marketing tools.
Information sur les prix, modèles et coupes de vêtements disponibles aux vendeurs de m-o-t-o. La structure modulaire du catalogue maximise les ventes et permet une mise à jour qui est simple. La photographie et retouche d'images est aussi par Numberbox.
Para una marca donde el enfoque es el producto, la estrategia natural para su catálogo fue la fotografía, y una descripción clara de los cortes de su ropa. Los catalogos incluyen muestras de las telas y de los colores disponibles.

200+ pages, separators & reference charts Product photography and photo retouching also by Numberbox.

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Numberbox clients own the rights to these designs. Please respect creativity and copyright laws.